Spares and Repairs


Departure board replacement / spare parts and repair services.

Manufactures Warranty: 12 Months

SKU: N/A Category:

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Desktop Departures Repair, SD Card, Desktop Departures PCB, Desktop Departures OLED display, Classic/Pro Repair, Classic/Pro GEN3 Controller Module, Classic GEN3 End Cap PCB, Classic GEN4 Controller PCB, Classic/Pro Power Supply, Micro USB Cable, Wall Mounting Kit, Classic LED Modules

UK Departure Boards are the ultimate enthusiast gadget!

Geoff Marshall
Geoff Marshall

On our Making Tracks layout we’ve got 3 fantastic departure boards, the large one showing real time information from Milton Keynes Central and 2 medium boards showing the destinations of our model trains – simply magical!

Pete Waterman
Pete Waterman

Railcam UK and UKDB have for many years been providing our little departure board widget, buried deep within our live signalling diagrams. The physical boards are the next level though and we recommend them wholeheartedly to any gadget freak or rail enthusiast (or both).

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